General Exam Fees (FY2023)
Initial Comprehensive Eye Exam (Your First Visit)
Our Fee - $117.45
Medicare Rebate (approx) - $31.30 OR $62.45 (conditions apply)
Subsequent (Your “follow-up” visits)
Our Fee - $86.30
Medicare Rebate - $31.30
Brief Initial (Short eye exams)
Our Fee - $86.30
Medicare Rebate - $31.30
Axial Length Measurement (At Initial Eye Exam for Childhood Myopia)
Our Fee - $55.00
Medicare Rebate - N/A
Other Exam Fees
Management of Myopia (Yearly)
Our Fee - $217.00
Medicare Rebate - N/A
This management fee is charged on commencement of any myopia control treatment plan with Perth Myopia Clinic. This fee will be invoiced yearly until the discontinuation of the treatment plan. This fee cannot be claimed from Medicare or Private health funds as a rebate nor as part of the safety net arrangement.
Axial Length Measurement (co-management with referring Optometrist)
Our Fee - $86.30
Medicare Rebate - $31.30
Corneal Topography Scan (co-management with referring Optometrist)
Our Fee - $86.30
Medicare Rebate - N/A
* for other consultation items and detailed information of MBS item codes please consult the financial consent form emailed to you upon booking
© Perth Myopia Clinic
Sorbonne Turn (confirmed on booking)
Aubin Grove